4 Reasons Why ADA Compliant Signs Miss The Mark

ADA compliant signs

4 Reasons Why ADA Compliant Signs Miss The Mark

For businesses looking for ADA compliant signs in Corona, California, be sure to work with a signage company with the right experience and knowledge. Your signs need to meet local, state, and federal compliance regulations. Too often, businesses try to cut corners and end up with ADA signage that doesn’t quite do the job. Imagine custom ADA braille signs that have characters that are loose, or letters too small or too tightly spaced. In fact, the requirements for ADA compliant signs in Corona, California are not very complicated when you pay close attention to the specifications for both design and fabrication.

Non-compliant signs are typically the result of lack of knowledge, or of ignoring the guidelines and prioritizing design aesthetic instead. For example, a common ADA violation involves failure to provide accessible information in public places for persons with disabilities, such as poorly created ADA compliant bathroom signs.

Are You Making These Common ADA Signage Mistakes?

The obligation to have ADA compliant signage is on you. Not only is it the law, but it also creates a safe and welcoming environment that’s accessible to everyone. While you should be aware of all aspects of ADA requirements, in this post we’re outlining the four ADA signage rules that are most commonly overlooked.

  1. Font.

When it comes to choosing a font for your custom ADA braille signs, know that there are specific guidelines. Character size is regulated, and all tactile lettering on ADA signs should be sans-serif. Simple fonts work best for creating things like ADA-compliant bathroom signs.  From a design point of view, there are many other ways to make ADA signs more decorative using colors, shapes, and different materials.

  1. Spacing.

For ADA compliant signs, the rules for spacing are quite restrictive, specifying a minimum of 1/8” between the two closest points of any braille characters. In some cases, in order to be ADA compliant certain characters need to be spaced further apart, making the spacing wider than normal.

  1. Character size.

The size for tactile sign lettering is simple. The minimum height is 5/8” and the maximum is 2”. This rule is often broken when the design doesn’t allow enough room for both compliant Braille and tactile lettering.

  1. Mounting height.

There is a variance of 48″ to 60”, and the mounting height of the sign is based on the height of the tactile characters above the finished floor. A qualified sign installer will measure the height above the finished floor when placing signs.

Get ADA Compliant Signs In Corona, California From Majestic Sign Studio

Simply put, ADA compliant signs don’t need to be complicated – but they do require an understanding of specific and particular details. Let Majestic Sign Studio be your ADA signage expert. We’ll use our knowledge and expertise to complete each ADA job and ensure it’s fully compliant with all regulations. Contact us to request a consultation.

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