Update: Crown & Stache Barber Company Interview on LED Sign

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Update: Crown & Stache Barber Company Interview on LED Sign


Dan Samaro, Co-owner of Crown & Stache, recently gave an update on his new barber shop location at the Tyler Mall Galleria in Riverside, California. See his take on the importance of effective business signs, and how a combination of exterior signage continues to help differentiate the Company through illustrating quality, value and legacy.

Tell us about your new opening and location.

We opened a new location at the Tyler Mall in Riverside in November 2015. This is our second location within a year. Unlike our outdoor location at Dos Lagos, our new store is located within an indoor mall.

What type of exterior signage did you decide to utilize to promote your new shop location?

The same signage as our Dos Lagos location: an LED illuminated storefront sign, a blade sign, and some vinyl window decals.

Crown-&-Stache LED Sign

Was the process different this time around?

Overall, the process was faster because Majestic Sign Studio had our previous job on file. It was important that we illustrate consistent branding, and Majestic Sign Studio was able to provide the same exact signage to achieve that.

The only difference were some dimensions—Majestic Sign Studio conducts a site survey, so they were able to get accurate sizing for our new location.

How has your signage helped attract customers to your new, indoor location?

Our LED illuminated sign is great for getting us noticed because it strikes attention. It’s also so efficient that we never have to turn it off. We’re in a highly populated area of the mall; the combination of an illuminated sign, blade sign, and vinyl decals work together to help us stand out from the surrounding stores.

Signage is a completely underutilized business tool—our signage has been valuable to our success.

Your signs help you stand out. What other value do you see in your business signage?

Our signage represents who we are. We are so much more than barbers, and our sign design symbolizes that added value and quality we strive to offer. As we expand, our sign signifies our legacy.

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To schedule an appointment at Crown & Stache in Riverside, call: 951.941.9868.

September 14, 2015

Name: Dan Samaro, Co-owner of Crown & Stache
Hometown: Corona, California

In a recent interview, Dan Samaro, co-owner of Crown & Stache, discusses how their LED illuminated storefront sign’s impact extends far beyond Corona and into other countries.

Crown & Stache recently opened up their barber shop at the Dos Lagos shopping center in Corona. They recognized the importance of quality branding. With their logo in hand, they selected Majestic Sign Studio to provide them with a LED illuminated, push through acrylic outdoor sign that would bring their vision to life.

Here is what they had to say:

Why did you select Majestic to create your barber sign?

Majestic Sign Studio came highly recommended by other business owners, plus they are members of the Corona Chamber of Commerce. They were able to take care of everything from planning to installation.
[Majestic] also did some window decals for us with the logo design.

Did they design the LED sign or did you do that in house?

They used our logo design. There is meaning behind our logo and they brought that to life. The barber shop industry is small so we knew a lot more people would see us than just the people walking through the shopping center. This was a sign that would be seen all over the world with the help of social media. This was done perfectly.

You mentioned your logo had meaning behind it. Do tell.

The olive branch (or crest) signifies the working class…you know the 60s British skinhead movement. The crown represents Corona. My partner and I are both from Corona. The mustache piece of the logo signifies guys.

What message did you want to send with your sign?

We are more than just a barber shop. We don’t need words to be associated with the signage. Our goal was for it to be immediately recognizable. I want [customers] to see the absolute best we can give them.

What material was selected for your signage?

Majestic brought several options of what could be done with the exterior sign. The Shops at Dos Lagos have higher standards than another shopping center might have. It was important that our sign was quality, for our own branding as well. We decided on some updated materials- acrylic with aluminum backing. It was surprisingly very light. The Crown & Stache sign uses LED lights. We run them all the time and it uses minimal energy.

The LEDs were actually pretty important to us. We wanted to conserve as much energy as possible. Anything else would have been a drain on the electrical.

How long did your signage take to complete from planning to installation?

With any business, things don’t happen instantly, but honestly, the whole process was pretty painless. We didn’t really run into any issues, not even with the city approval. It only took a couple weeks.

Do you get any feedback on the sign?

We get tons of compliments all the time on the signage. The sign and display speak volumes and we are super thrilled Majestic was able to make that happen.

Now that you have a barber sign that is seen all over the world, what’s next for Crown & Stache?

Expansion. The art and occupation of barbering is making a comeback. We are taking something old and traditional, and modernizing it. We are taking advantage of technological advancements instead of “You pick it, we clip it.”

Customer service and product knowledge set us apart. This is an experience. We want to be a one stop shop for guys and their grooming, whether it is deodorant, shampoo, or mustache wax. There is even the possibility of a clothing line.

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Men, schedule your appointment here: http://crownandstache.com/make-an-appointment/

Don’t forget to check out their pomades, after shave, shampoos & more at their online shop: http://crownandstache.com/shop/.

Ready to have Majestic Sign Studio ignite your branding? Get your free quote: https://www.majesticsignstudio.com/products_services/business-signs-graphics.html.

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