The CNC Router: Interior Signage Made Easy

cnc router

The CNC Router: Interior Signage Made Easy

Agreed, technology is taking over the world. However, in our business, it’s helping us deliver our products like ADA signs faster and at a higher quality to our customers. Here are some of the primary reasons we decided to purchase a CNC Router for in-house manufacturing.

The Benefits of the CNC Router

Shorter Turn-Around Times

With the CNC Router running we experience a 50% increase in product output, allowing us to manufacture 120+ ADA signs a day. Not a bad boost in efficiency. The main reason the CNC Router is faster is because it employs CAD/CAM software that allows us to quickly switch tools and quickly program designs directly into the Router. This reduces error that would require remaking certain components. That faster turn-around means lower costs for the buyer so it is a win-win situation working with a sign company that has a CNC Router.

Higher Quality End Products

With the use of this Router, we have a much higher level of precision (cutting repeatability of 1/1000th of an inch) when manufacturing sign components with digital blueprints that can be fed into the machine. The machine also has a steel frame which eliminates vibration and adds another level of quality. When you are creating a large quantity of signs for a set of buildings, for example, this consistent precision translates into a sharper aesthetic in the end product.

Equipment Consolidation

Another benefit is that the CNC Router wraps the functions of several different machines into one. With it, you eliminate the need for a panel saw, spindle moulder, and boring machine.

Overall, CNC Routers have many benefits that translate into higher quality products, shorter turn-around times, lower costs for buyers, and the precision to guarantee consistent quality.

See the Router in action below cutting out one of our interior signs.

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