Everything You Need to Know About Monument Signs for Your Business

Monument Signs

Everything You Need to Know About Monument Signs for Your Business

Create an impressive marker for your business with monument signs that welcome guests. These large, free-standing, unique signs command attention for your business and serve a variety of purposes to support your company. Plus, to align with your brand’s aesthetic, they can be crafted from a range of durable materials such as stone, brick, and more.

You may have seen these signs used in Southern California at parks, business complexes, shopping malls, and more. But the list doesn’t have to stop there. Here’s how your business can take advantage of monument signs:

Use Durable Materials and Construction for Maximum Visibility

If you’re new to the neighborhood or simply looking to get more business visibility, these signs can help. With their large size and placement typically close to the roadside, you’ll be sure to catch the eye of visitors to the area. This could mean a boost in foot traffic for your business. Plus, the quality construction and durable materials for your sign mean you’ll be able to generate attention all year long with signage that stands the test of time.

Landmark Your Business Location with Prominent Signage

Monument business signs in Southern California are sure to stand out. If customers are traveling to your location for the first time, your impressive signs will help them find their way. The signs will guide them and let them know they’ve arrived at the right destination. That’s why the placement of your signs is important to ensure that they’re highly visible to alert and welcome your guests.

Display Multiple Business Names and More Information

If you own a facility with multiple tenants, you can use monuments to feature the name and logo of all the businesses on your property. This can let customers know what services are available and help bring in more customers.

If you’re looking to take advantage of these signs, you can list your own information prominently..

How Much Does a Monument Sign Cost?

Because they’re a highly custom piece of signage, we can’t reliably give you a price range here. Your best way to get an idea of what your monument sign will cost you is to book a consultation with one of our sign design professionals.

Customize Your Monument Business Sign for a Unique Look

When you work with a monument signage company such as Majestic Sign Studio, you will benefit from unique signage options. With us, you can select from one of our standard sign models or you can have one of our graphic designers create something custom. This one-of-a-kind signage option will give your business a unique edge to stand out from all the rest.

To learn more and get started working with a reliable monument signage company, connect with us at Majestic Sign Studio. We offer a complete process to manage bringing your signs to life, including assisting you with any permits required for city regulations.

To request a quote, contact us today!

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