Painless Event Displays with Trade Show Banners

Painless Event Displays with Trade Show Banners

Your trade show display setup doesn’t need to be time-consuming or exhausting. The last thing you need before a long day interfacing with potential clients is a tiresome morning breaking a sweat while struggling with your display equipment. Consider these streamlined options for event displays that outshine tension and panel displays with much-needed usability.

Retractable Banner Event Displays

Retractable banners (sometimes called pop-up displays) are different from tension fabric displays, where you have to wrestle with the material to fit its frame. Retractable Banners are easy to transport and even easier to set up. The great thing about retractable banners is that you can design several banners to use with a one stand and set of hardware, then switch out your graphic to coincide with the event you are attending.

Retractable banners come in many sizes, and can be placed on the floor or on a table top. Large floor banners are a great replacement to your old panel display since you can join two or more banners to create a wide backdrop. This joining method is desirable if you’re looking for a fast and easy set-up experience.

Custom Cutout Event Displays

Custom cutouts are wonderful to use to really draw in a crowd. It adds dimension and contrast to your exhibit area, making your booth more visually appealing. Custom cutouts could be a little difficult to transport, but not impossible. Some care should be taken when transporting large cutouts so that the edges remain undamaged.

Table Throw Event Displays

Table covers (tablecloths or table throws) are a wonderful standard piece in your exhibit display inventory. Customize table cloths for annual shows, and/or have a standard branded table cloth for branding and easy identification.

Most often than not, tables provided at exhibit halls are used and abused. A table cover helps tie your exhibit together for a clean and professional appearance (imperative for trade shows, where you need to make a lasting and impactful first impression on prospects).

Comparison of Event Displays

Retractable Banner Tension Display Panel Display Custom Cutouts Table Cover
Customization Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy
Transport Easy Easy Hard Medium Easy
Setup Easy Medium/Hard Hard  



Very Easy


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